라이브아카데미 독학 (6) 썸네일형 리스트형 연락을 안하고 지냈었어 / 통화를 몇 번했어 / 자주 연락하고 있어 영어로 일주일 전쯤에옛날에 알고 지내던 친구한테서 메일이 왔어요. 몇 년은 연락을 안 하고 지냈었는데 서로 전화번호를 주고 받고 통화도 몇 번 했고요. 문자로 꽤 자주 연락하고 있어요. About a week ago, I got an email from an old friend. We hadn't been in touch for a couple of years. We exchanged phone numbers and we spoke(talked) on the phone a couples of times, and we've been texting quite frequently. * about a week ago : 일주일 전 쯤에 * I got an email from someone : ~로 부터 이메일이 왔다.. 영어회화 연습가이드 - 일상적으로 사용하는 문맥 A: How did it go? (How is it going?) Did you hear from ~? (Have you heard from ~? 완료시제는 조금 더 장기간에 걸친 기다림이 어울림) Did you hear (anything) from the school? B: No, I'm still working on my(the) application. A: What happened? I thought you would've submitted it by now. B: I was afraid (that) there might be some typos and I was up all night double-checking it. I don't want to look(seem) careless. I don'.. -해서 다행이다 / -하길 잘했다 / -할걸(하지 말걸) / -했으면 좋았을 텐데 영어로 (네가) 좋아해서 다행이다. 네가 매운 걸 좋아하는지 잘 몰랐거든. I'm glad you liked it. I wasn't sure if you liked spicy food. 영수증을 가지고 있길 잘했다. 10만원 날릴뻔했네. It's a good thing I hung on to(kept) the receipt. I almost wasted one hundred thousand won. 끝나서 다행이다. 나 기절하는 줄 알았어. I'm glad it's over. I thought I was going to pass out. 잘못 살뻔했네. 너한테 먼저 물어보길 잘했다. I almost bought the wrong one. It's a good thing I asked you first. * -해.. go on a trip / travel 사용, might / maybe 차이 A: Do you have any plans this week? B: Not much. I might go on a short trip with my parents. It's not for sure yet. A: Oh, that's nice. Do you travel with your parents often? B: Not often. Maybe once or twice a year. A: Hmm. I never really enjoyed(liked) traveling with my parents. They always end up fighting about really stupid things. It's really annoying. B: Well, you know what they say - Peop.. 문장에서 배우는 only / already / yet / still 어감 A: Oh who's that? 어? 그건 누구야? B: Oh, it's my niece, Karen. 아, 우리 조카딸 캐런이야. A: Wow! She is really cute. 오~ 진짜 귀엽다. B: Yeah, and she is really smart. 어. 그리고 엄청 똑똑해. She is only(just) 13 months old, but she is already talking. 이제 13개월밖에 안 됐는데 벌써 말을 해. A: Really? 진짜? B: She can't speak in sentences yet, but she can express herself pretty well. 아직 문장으로 말을 하지는 못하는데 자기 표현을 꽤 잘해. A: Wow, that's amazing. .. 딴에는 / 나름 영어로 be just trying to ~ I was just trying to help you. I was just trying to be a good friend. * I was just trying to (be) / do something. A: Is this your idea of helping? 너 이거 돕는답시고 그러는거야? Is that your idea of cleaning? 그걸 지금 청소라고 하는거야? Is this your idea of food? 이걸 먹으라고 만든거니? / Am I supposed to eat this? 나 이거 먹어야 되는 거야? 나보고 이걸 먹으라고? B: What? I'm sweeping. A: You call that sweeping? 그걸 쓰는거라고 하는거야? /.. 이전 1 다음